Commercial Enrollment

Taylor Ford Taylor MI

To become a Ford Fleet Account

To become a Ford Fleet Account you must register for a Fleet Identification Number (FIN Code). As a Ford Fleet customer, you and your company will have access to exclusive benefits, specifically tailored to your Ford Fleet. To see if you are eligible to enroll, please review the requirements below.

Eligibility Requirements

If you are a Commercial, Rental, Fleet Management or Utility Company, you must have purchased, registered or leased 5 or more NEW vehicles (any make or model) in the company name during the current model year or within the last 12 months. OR currently operate a fleet of 15 or more vehicles, any make or model, (owned or leased) in the company name.

If you are a Government Agency, you must have purchased, registered or leased 1 new vehicle (any make or model) in the agency name during the current model year or within the last 12 months. OR currently operate a fleet of 3 or more vehicles (owned or leased) in the agency name.

Note: Ambulance/Ambulette Services and Transportation Companies

Customers seeking a Government FIN who are not an outright municipality, including Ambulance/Ambulette Services are required to send in a Government Funding letter at the time of enrollment. This is only to be used by companies who provide transportation services, for example to medical appointments or usage within nursing homes and meet our government funding criteria. This would NOT include a City, County, Township, Borough, Parish, District, or Authority.

If you are a Taxi Company, you must have purchased, registered or leased 2 or more vehicles (any make or model) during the past model year or currently operate a fleet of 5 or more vehicles.

If you are a Limo, Livery or Funeral Company, the following documentation is required: a For-Hire permit, Livery License or a Letter of Intent, in either the company or personal name. No minimum vehicle requirement.

Request a FIN Code

To request a FIN Code and learn more about becoming a Ford Fleet customer, please visit the FIN Enrollment section of the fleet.ford.com website